Expanse is a series of two posters advertising Radiolab’s newest live podcast episode. This episode talks about the future of space exploration and the final frontier. Posters will be plastered on walls around urban centers to reach the day to day person who might be interested in hearing of this adventurous topic.

To capture this theme, these posters were compiled by several mediums that embodied the idea of space travel. Using the sun to expose cyanotype was the primary source of text throughout the posters. This method was chosen to utilize the themes of stars and light in space. Using tape to transfer ink from one source to the next was the secondary method.
The first poster is created from applications of ink to transfer paper. This idea was to create a hole through reality contained in a small opening that expands as you look further into it. This juxtaposition of standard paper and infinite space attempts to find peace within chaos.

The second poster reflects the themes of the first poster, finding an inverse to tone, composition, and theme. This poster aims to enhance the chaos found within the idea of space travel. Crushed rocks were used with salt to create a kinetic image captured in a hard container resembling a window. This hints at observing and embracing the chaos of reality without fear of the unknown.

