Profil appartenant à Stacey Sansom

Conceptual Book Cover Designs

Conceptual Book Cover Designs
Create three conceptual book cover designs for a selected classic novel
BYU-Idaho | ART 235 Graphic Design
Concept Book Covers | Photoshop Mock-up of concept book covers featuring the Aldous Huxley classic novel, Brave New World
Design three book covers for a classic novel that effectively communicate the author's message or point of view behind the narrative. Utilize the novel's context and elements. The cover concepts should be focused on the meaning of each book and not just the story or familiar elements. The idea is to use the book cover as a way to more directly express the author's beliefs, point of view, and/or agenda behind the famous story. 
Design Brief Specifications
Each of the three book covers should be design using a different method–typography only, handmade, and one of any style of the designer's choice. 

All three books must be designed within the following specifications:
• All covers should use a standard 6 in. x 9 in. cover size.
• All three covers must be for the same book.
• All covers must be printed or made to look real with the help of a Photoshop mockup template. 
• All covers must contain the full title and the author’s full name
• No other text, such as quotes or callouts, should be added to the cover​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Selected Novel
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Book Summary
This novel is a classical portrayal of a dystopian future and the ills that stem from trying to achieve perfect societal balance. This idea of balance is achieved in this futuristic totalitarian world state where the scientific advancements help create a heirachy of social control. The genetic modifications, artificial reproduction, as well as psychological manipulation and mental conditioning draw a stark contrast to what is viewed as savage world. Balance is achieved but at what cost?
The Final Book Cover Selections​​​​​​​
The goal was to create three unique and highly conceptual book covers for a selected/assigned classic novel. The idea was the focus on the intended message or concepts based on the author's beliefs, point of view, or agenda. While classic novels are often well known for certain central ideas or points, the intention of this project was to move away from the commonly associated concepts and imagery.​​​​​​​
Paperback Mockups | Selected versions of concept covers for Aldous Huxley's novel Brave New World
Typography Only Book Cover: 
Use only typography to create your book cover concept. Using typography in a clever and conceptual way to visualize the book's message. The type does not necessarily need not be an actual font. Explore a full range of textures, depths, shadows, or other necessary design elements, to strengthen the overall aesthetic of the book cover. 
TYPOGRAPHY BOOK COVER | Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
This composition was created using only typography. Through the clever use of typographical manipulation, the concept of ordered chaos is illustrated. The principle of a "balanced society" does not mean that all things are equal. The textured background symbolizes the balance, but the variable character size and placement illustrates the importance of each caste and their supporting role in the novel's story. ​​​​​​​

Image Credits
Adobe Stock FILE #:  140694671 by wimage72 (background)
Handmade Book Cover: 
This cover must be constructed from physical materials. These physical materials can be created, assembled, collaged, or photographed—the final piece must be handmade. When complete, scan or photograph the artwork into a computer before adding minor finishing touches. For example, while 95% of the book cover has been created by hand, you might use Adobe Illustrator to add typography or use Adobe Photoshop to correct a mistake.
HANDMADE BOOK COVER | Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
This cover design is completely handmade or builds on assets photographed by myself. The medicine bottles in perfectly balanced yet descending order illustrate the control and represents the caste system consisting of five primary groups. Societal balance is not achieved through perfection or equality and size is associated with the higher caste. Unfortunately, the higher the caste, the increased risk for free thinking which disturbs the balance. Change and balance do not come without cost. The red is symbolic of the sterile incubation where all citizens are born through genetic manipulation.
Designer’s Choice Book Cover: 
This cover can be developed in any style or format you choose, as long as you employ a clever and creative design strategy.
DESIGNER'S CHOICE BOOK COVER | Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
What started as a digital concept trying to replicate a similar and unrelated composition, turned into this hand drawn work then digitized and manipulated through the use of layers, blending modes, and filters. It is a beautifully grungy work that illustrates the roughness and corruption found in industrialized societies without order and control. Much is hidden in technological and scientific advancements which in this case stemmed from the release of the world first Model-T automobile. Societal balance is key in this story, but balance is not pure control nor is it perfect equality or exactness. Every caste has its own purpose and role in the societal balance created in the novel.
Alternative Book Cover Designs
These covers did not make cut in the final selection process, but they are still solid book covers and worthy of sharing. It is sometimes hard to make the final decision, but it is a necessary step in completing a project. Some are previous versions of selected cover designs. 

Conceptual Book Cover Designs
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Conceptual Book Cover Designs

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