Jaimi Ho sin profil

DES 16: Zine - Personal Identity

Project 3: 
Zine - Personal Identity

The goal of this project is to create an eight-page zine that will help us find our creative voice on topics and subjects that represent who we are and what we value. 

For this project, I chose the topic of escapism. However, since escapism is a broad subject and there are many different ways a person can go about escapism, I chose to do escapism through daydreaming and immersing in books because I personally read and daydream very often for escapism. Personally, escapism is what I do daily to cope with living in reality, I often let my mind wander off through my thoughts and imaginations whenever I have nothing to do or when I'm feeling overwhelmed with college. 

In this project, it was very challenging for me to capture the escapism vision I was looking for in creating the zine. Although I had narrowed the topic of escapism to focus on daydreaming and reading, it was still hard to capture the general view of daydreaming and immersing yourself in a book. I also had a lot of challenges with Adobe Photoshop software because I never used it before and it was difficult for me to learn a lot of the tools and memorize what I had to do within a short time frame. 

Moodboard: In the moodboard, I want to capture my view and how I feel when I daydream and read for escapism. I want to capture the peacefulness and a small playfulness when people are seeking escapism. 
Final Design: In the zine, I included the definition of both escapism and daydream. However, the definition of daydream from Google was very broad and doesn't necessarily explain what daydream is so I wrote my definition of daydream. For the last two pages, I wrote a small quote to say that it's okay that you want to escape from reality and immerse yourself in the imagination of your future and the goals in life, however, the only way you can achieve it is to come back to reality to work towards your goal. 
DES 16: Zine - Personal Identity

DES 16: Zine - Personal Identity
