My Firefly - Imagination Uncloaked
May 8: May 4th Creations: All dedicated to Star Wars. All done using Firefly's structural references  with my drawings. The animation was done using Adobe Express.
Day 10: April 1
Mesmerised with Structural reference. Although, every time I generate an image, I think, and I ask, how should I use this craft?
Day 9: March 26
Trying out Adobe Firefly's new structure feature. Working like a peanut butter sandwich
City Birds 1
Day 8: March 22 
I am not sure where I am going with this. But, just attended a live stream with Andrew and Cyn on how to use Firefly.

Used one of my own images with style reference. Got to learn something new. The following isn't a composite, and I ain't calling it art either. I guess, what I am going to call it is: assisted expression. 

What next?
Day 7: March 20 
Compositing has been around since a time before me. As I understood this art - It helped fuel, direct and multiply emotions of the artist. But what now? How do I use it to express my emotions. I know, there are so many people doing it. But, I still don't get it. 

So, the question is How to upgrade these images? But how do I make a part of my workflow, my design such that my work remains mine - Not just AI's version of what I think it thinks. A really difficult task at my level of skill. But, I plan to attempt this task. 
Day 6: March 18
Day 5: March 15
Only Adobe Express
Day 4: March 13
Created with three different objects. All created with Adobe Firefly, and merged over Adobe Express
Day 3: March 12
Day 2: Still thinking about libraries
Day 1: Inspired by DTM and Toren Reaves's stream 
Happy Birthday Adobe! February 19, 1990
My Firefly


My Firefly

