Luciana Conti's profile

Photobook & Storytelling

"Us agains the World" 

The photographs in this series were taken at the "Brunswick Heads Drum Circle" in Australia in November 2023. The various activities and interactions involving the participants serve as a graphical representation of concepts that include my perception of the bond between sisters. Some of these concepts are: support, balance, play, and affection. 

To evoke emotionality, the images are presented in black and white with high contrast. In the close-up detail photographs, such as the back of the elderly person or the hands of the acrobats, texture is digitally accentuated to highlight skin details like spots or wrinkles. Additionally, a slow shutter speed was used to capture the movement of dance and touch. Thus, the predominant theme in this series is the reality of the human body, its sensitivity.
In the eternal search for meaning, I find your support. 

It's us agains the World. 

Photographs taken at the "Brunswick Heads Drum Circle", Australia. 
Luciana Conti, 2023. 
Photobook & Storytelling


Photobook & Storytelling
