Profil appartenant à Jaanika Juhanson

Performance "Dream Cafe" 2010

Song from the performance, working material. Originally sang by actresses, at here is the singer Tarmo Kesküll (composer).
Premiere 10.12.2010
Based on poetry of Doris Kareva
Director and dramaturg: Jaanika Juhanson
Composer and band leader: Tarmo Kesküll
Set designer: Erki Kasemets
Lightning designer: Priidu Adlas
Coreographers: Henri Hütt, Hellar Bergmann, Jaanika Juhanson
She - Ülle Lichtfeldt, 
Girl - Natali Lohk, 
Old Woman/ Mother - Helgi Annast, 
Old Man/ Father - Volli Käro,
Dream-men/ Band Morbitum Mobile - Margus Grosnõi, Lauri Kaldoja, Tarmo Kesküll
Instrumental by T.Kesküll.

Photos from the performance:
Performance "Dream Cafe" 2010
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Performance "Dream Cafe" 2010

Performance in Rakvere Theatre, in Estonia.

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