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Relationship Codependency: Shackles or Healing Gateway?

Codependent Relationships: Shackles or Gateway to Healing?
In the world of interpersonal relationships, there exists a tendency that often remains hidden but has profound consequences for the participants — codependency. This state describes a situation where one or both partners experience an excessive need for support from each other to such an extent that it hinders their own growth and development.

Origin of Codependency

Each person carries their own unique energetic signature, which is shaped by their thoughts, emotions, and past experiences. When individuals in relationships have unresolved emotional wounds or insecurities, their energetic fields can become entangled, leading to a mutual dependence that goes beyond healthy interdependence.

In simple words, individuals who have experienced traumatic events or have been subjected to emotional or physical violence in childhood or previous relationships may develop a strong need for safety and comfort from another person. They begin to identify their happiness and well-being with their partner, rather than with themselves.
This dependency can be exacerbated by a lack of healthy self-esteem and boundaries. People who lack confidence or who do not put themselves first may be more likely to seek approval and support from another person at the expense of their own needs.

From an astrological perspective, certain aspects of the natal chart can predispose individuals to codependency. For instance, the position of the Moon (representing emotional patterns) and Venus (the planet of love and relationships) in aspect with Neptune (the planet of illusions and idealism) may indicate a tendency towards contemplation, illusions, and sensual immersion in a partner. These individuals may be more vulnerable to the influence of others and find it challenging to establish healthy boundaries.

The path to healing
Despite the complexities and painful nature of codependent relationships, they can serve as a path to deep healing and personal growth. It is important to recognize that overcoming codependency requires work on both energetic and emotional levels. Here are a few steps that can help on this journey:

Awareness and mindfulness: The first step towards healing is becoming aware of our own codependent patterns and their sources. This may involve self-observation, therapy, or consultation with an astrologer to understand our natal chart.

Energy work: Working through energetic blocks and imbalances can help break free from codependency. Practices such as meditation, breathing practices, regular physical activity, and working with the chakras can aid in achieving energetic harmony and release from codependent ties.
Chakra work: Chakras are energy centers in our body that correspond to various aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual lives. Issues with the chakras can manifest in our relationships and affect our well-being. Working with the chakras involves practices aimed at balancing, cleansing, and activating these energy centers to restore equilibrium and release trapped emotions.

Working with the chakras is also an important aspect of the healing process from codependency:

Root Chakra (Muladhara):
Working with the root chakra is particularly important for strengthening the sense of safety and stability. Codependency is often associated with feelings of instability and insecurity, so strengthening the root chakra will help with this.

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):
The sacral chakra is responsible for emotional connection and satisfaction. Working with it will help establish healthy boundaries and overcome emotional dependency on others.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):
The solar plexus chakra is associated with personal power and self-esteem. Working with this chakra will help boost self-confidence and independence.

These three chakras are key to overcoming codependency as they help strengthen internal stability, establish healthy boundaries, and develop self-respect. Working with the other chakras is also important, but they may be more focused on other aspects of personality and relationships.

However, astrology also offers a path to healing through self-awareness. Utilizing astrological forecasts and practices aimed at strengthening the connection with oneself and acknowledging one’s strengths and weaknesses can help in developing healthy relationships and overcoming codependency.

What specific tools or methodologies of astrology could be beneficial in this process?

Natal Chart and Aspects: The natal chart is a snapshot of the celestial sphere at the moment of your birth. The positions of planets and the aspects between them reflect various aspects of your personality, including your tendencies towards codependency. For example, the positions of the Moon, Venus, and Neptune may indicate a tendency towards idealizing relationships and suppressing one’s own needs.

Personality Aspects: Astrology helps identify the strengths and weaknesses of personality, allowing for a better understanding of oneself and one’s relationships. For instance, aspects with Mars may reflect your strength and energy, while aspects with Saturn may indicate your sense of responsibility and limitations.

Transits and Forecasts: Astrological transits predict changes in cosmic energy that may influence you and your relationships. Using astrological forecasts helps to understand temporary trends and adapt your actions accordingly.

Synastry and Compatibility: Astrology also explores the interaction between two individuals, known as synastry. Understanding synastry and compatibility helps to uncover relationship dynamics and identify areas that require attention and work.

Codependent relationships do not always imply the necessity of separation. On the contrary, they represent an opportunity for partners to come closer together, overcome difficulties, and gain a deeper understanding of each other. Working on one’s own energy and psychological aspects can help each partner better understand themselves and their relationship, bringing harmony and balance into their interaction.

It is important to utilize various practices such as meditation, working with chakras, and astrological tools to deepen self-awareness and understand one’s partner even better. The Aura application provides the opportunity to work with chakras and evaluate compatibility with a partner through the calculation of a natal chart, as well as the practice of breathing and mindfulness. These tools can help create deeper and more conscious relationships filled with mutual understanding and support.
Relationship Codependency: Shackles or Healing Gateway?

Relationship Codependency: Shackles or Healing Gateway?
