Irina Andreeva profili

GoodLooks Mobile Application

GoodLooks Mobile Application
This is an application for searching and posting beauty services.

A person from the beauty services industry can post his job advertisement in the application. A person in need of a beauty service finds the necessary service and makes an appointment with a specific person through a mobile application.

This is our own project. You can view all materials on the project here (Figma).

Goal 1: help the client find the right person who provides the desired beauty service
Goal 2: help a person in the beauty industry find clients
Two types of target audience are considered:
1) People working in the beauty industry
2) People in need of beauty services
More details about the characters below:
Images for the target audience were taken in Figma. You can view it here
User Story 1: As a client, I want to register in the application so that I can use the application.
User Story 2: As a client, I want to have a personal account to provide information about myself and see previous activity.
User Story 3: As a client, I want to see a list of all beauty services so that I can choose the right one.
User Story 4: As a client, I want to see a list of all the people providing beauty services so that I can choose the right person.
User Story 5: As a client, I want to see information about the employee so that I can understand whether he is suitable or not.
User Story 6: As a client, I want to see the employee's available time so that I can compare it with my available time.
User Story 7: As a client, I want to make an appointment with an employee so that I can get an appointment with a specific employee at a specified time.
Moodboard were taken in Figma. You can view it here
GoodLooks Mobile Application
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GoodLooks Mobile Application

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