Dive into the immersive world of the Siesta Festival with this book, seamlessly complementing the performative lecture experience. Spanning 48 pages, the content comes to life through risograph printing in two vibrant colors—teal for the text and orange. This bilingual publication features both Spanish and German languages, showcasing a blend of poetry and prose. Among the limited edition of 70 copies, 15 were handbound. It is the first book of a triad. Each book has an external flap to enable the three books to come together, completing the collection.

Cuando me propusieron ser parte de este proyecto quedó esta idea: «expandir la experiencia del texto, llevarlo al escenario, a la pantalla, que atraviese el cuerpo y encuentre nuestras manos en forma de libro». Creo que lo logramos :-)
Es un work in progress, este libro es el primero de tres, los dos libros que estamos desarrollando se irán encastrando y completando uno al otro.

Siesta festival. Panorama #1


Siesta festival. Panorama #1
