I was to create a narrative that had symbolism in it. Then, I was instructed to do 24 thumbnail sketches and then picked an idea that had a good story.  After I was to gather multiple images from across the web and then put them into a .psd file. After collecting all the images in one place then I was instructed to create that narrative based on the final thumbnail sketch.
My goal(s) for this composition, is to demonstrate my idea in Adobe Photoshop and to come up with some new techniques to help further my skills in Photoshop. I would also play around with AI features to increase the visual effects of the composition. Lastly, I would like to explore the lighting to make it look as if the lamp is the only light in the room.
Ideation Question:
What themes would you like to explore in this work?
People watching you.
Feeling small

What feeling(s) do you want to convey in this work? What imagery or visual cues will you use to communicate this feeling?
I'm wanting to make the viewer to feel anxious with the lamp leaning over the person.

Who is your protagonist (and/ or antagonist)? Is the protagonist a human? An animal? An Object? Or something else?
My Protagonist will be the person and the antagonist will be the lamp with the eye.

Is it necessary for us to see the protagonist to understand the story?

What events led the protagonist to this point?
They decide to step out of their comfort zone to try a new thing.

What might happen next?
I hope to think that they got over this feeling. 

How can symbolism be used in this work?
The lamp with the eye is a symbolism instead have like a group of people watching you.

What might your composition look like?
A person with a piece of paper in hand and change in scale with huge lamp with an eye as the blub.
These are my first sketches that we did in class. The top right one on the second page is idea that I based this on.
This is the final sketch for this.
These are my screenshots throughout the process. Starting from this far left this is me photoshopping a desk in and then adding a lamp on it. Next, I added the eye and the girl as well as the lamp light. Then I just adjusted the saturation and contrast until I liked it.
What I learned:
First off I didn't know that Photoshop could do so much, this is my first time using Photoshop and I love it. If I when back I would fix a couple of things like the lamp lighting looks disconnected and add some shadows to the chair and girl. I would also try to get rid of the weird outline by the girl's feet. I loved using the generate fill option in Photoshop and overall enjoyed figuring out what to do when a problem came up.
Compelling Narative

Compelling Narative

