Profiel van Amanda Weisbrod

North Korea Missile Launches: Part II

North Korea Missile Launches Map & Infographic: Part II
Radio Free Asia, November 2022
Concept: My assignment was to design a map showing where missiles launched by North Korea landed, and their proximity to South Korea's territorial waters. I also created a graph to show the increase in missile launches by North Korea in recent years. 

Work: This infographic was created to accompany an article about the proximity of North Korea's missile launches to South Korea in November 2022. Published by Radio Free Asia in Washington, D.C. 

Inspiration: I based this map off of visuals produced by South Korea Joint Chiefs of Staff, but used my own style and included additional information not present in their original visualization. 

Programs: Adobe Illustrator, Datawrapper

Timeline: 1 day
North Korea Missile Launches: Part II


North Korea Missile Launches: Part II
