The image above is the reference.
Step into a scene straight out of maritime history. Nestled within the embrace of a gently flowing river lies a forgotten relic of the past – an antique, rusted harbor frozen in time. Weathered wooden boats, bearing the marks of countless voyages, bob lazily against the worn pier. The air is thick with nostalgia as the soft glow of a solitary bulb illuminates the scene, casting shadows that dance across the aged timbers. Every detail whispers tales of bygone eras, inviting you to explore the timeless charm of this evocative 3D model.
the whole 3d scene in solid view
3d scene in material view
I added volume to the environment to give depth to the scene
With the volume
Render 1
Render 2
animation 1
animation 2
Animation with camera shake
Rustic Harbor


Rustic Harbor
