A new industry emerging, the space industry. New technologies and possibilities for a future in space. 

How, as designers, be part of this industry. Working with the iniciative Open Space.  

An internacional space congress, where designers and scientists co-exist and work together.
We envision that by 2075, both creative and the science world will be coexisting within the same world. 
SAS is an encounter that aims the unification of what we now see divided, the arts and the science. Consolidating a new future with exponential creativity, through the colaboration of the two sectors. 

Future scenario: Transdiscipline between Arts, Science and Design
This event will be carried out on Earth. The aim is to incentivate future attendies on the experience of an internacional space congress, located in space. Throughout interactive resources is that the emotion and desire to participate will be ignited. 
Model of dome where video images will be proyected into the selling and sides. 
Guests are invited into the dome, once everyone is in, the performance starts. 
It will be an interactive experience, as bubbles will be formed once guests start forming them through touching the screens of the dome. 
Instagram and Web Page:
Web page. It's function is to count down the days until the launch of the congress. It will also provide information on who are the special guests and notifications. 

The other platform used was Instagram, it has many users which are potencial interested attendants. It's an easy social network where news can be spread.
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