Charlotte Eckstein profili

The Case for Childcare microsite

The Case for Childcare
Storytelling and illustrations
Client: Dataculture

I assisted Dataculture’s and its designer Marisa Ruiz Asari on the storytelling, design concept and illustrations for the Case for Childcare microsite. The project aims to alert about the childcare situation in the United States, as it fuels inequalities between lower- and high-income parents as well as white and non-white parents.

After meeting with the client, it was clear for us that the site had to speak to three main target groups: parents, employers and childcare workers. We divided the website into three main sections: a first one to explain the context, a second one that highlights the different target groups and a third one that focuses on solutions with a panel of links and additional resources.
The Case for Childcare microsite
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The Case for Childcare microsite

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