Perfil de Victoria Kittelsen

Freelance Work - APA HVAC Technologies

Working with APA HVAC Technologies, an HVAC supply company, I have designed creative materials with a wide variety of applications. From projects such as email signatures and flyers, to large scale efforts including trade show booth graphics and banners, I have developed a visual identity for the company to help create a lasting impression with prospective customers and existing ones alike.
This flyer was created to provide background information on a water heating system. My goal was to create a design that broke the information into small chunks and used images to help break up the layout. There is also a corresponding email signature.
Below are examples of flyers and event invitations. For these, the goal was to quickly and effectively show the event's details while making the designs both informative and eye-catching.
Although this event flyer and training calendar have different purposes, the goal for both is the same: To assimilate large blocks of information into easy-to-read blocks while highlighting the most important information. With the flyer, the date, time and location are prominently displayed at the top, while the calendar makes it easy to find both the course titles and dates at a glance.
This is a merger notice used both internally and with clients. It was key to incorporate elements of APA's branding such as the design at the top, the logo and brand colors, while also focusing on the strengths each company will continue bringing as one entity. 
This flyer was created to provide background information on a heat exchange system. Using images of the product to break up the design, I created a design that balances both text and image to direct the viewer's eye across the page.
I had the opportunity to design a backdrop and teardrop banners for an engineering trade show. As the date of the show was recently following a merger, the goal for the banner was to reflect two companies coming together as one. Keeping in mind that there would be tables and displays in front of the banner, I placed the graphics closer to the top of the banner. This way, the logos would also be visible from across the room and stand out among the other displays. Each of the teardrop banners was designed to highlight a particular brand and its products and features. 
These are examples of email signatures I designed. They are meant to showcase a product or a partnership. 
Freelance Work - APA HVAC Technologies


Freelance Work - APA HVAC Technologies
