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Silver and Light Reflection

Ian Ruhter: Silver and Light Reflection
I found Ian Ruhter's documentary about what he had been doing with photography over the years very interesting. The project that he was working on was different than anything that I had ever seen before or heard of, I did not even know that the type of photography that he was doing, wet-plate photography, was even possible. There was really an emphasis, I felt, on the experimentation, emotions, and investment that goes into creating something new. I really felt what he was saying when he was talking about spending all of this time and energy on something and it does not come to fruition, when every single photo you take does not come out the way that you want it to. "The only limitation are the ones I put on myself." This sentence from Ian is very powerful to me and something that I believe everyone needs to tell themselves. 

Watching and reflecting on his video has inspired me to venture into the unknown and try new things that I have not yet attempted, take photos that I have never tried to take, work with new styles, formats, elements, and subjects. Looking into the future and the coming semester, I plan to work on experimenting with stars and moonlight as the emphasis to my my photos. 
Silver and Light Reflection

Silver and Light Reflection


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