Profilo di Luis Loaiza Lopez

Ian Ruhter Video Analysis

Ian Ruhter Video Analysis: 

As I was watching the video, I found myself connecting with the concept of having a passion for what you create and pursuing it. There's a certain charm when it comes to the work one makes, and I found that to really be highlighted throughout the video. The origin for why he decided to make images the way he does feels very familiar with me, as I've also had moments where I've come up with ideas on the spot that fuel my brain so much, that I can't seem to let go of. His unique way of photography was incredibly inspiring to me, as he decided to not only do something he likes, but do it in a manner no one else really does. It makes his work feel more distinctive and recognizable, which is something I strive to have in the future. The moments where he shows frustration over his photos not coming out the way he wants it felt relatable, as I've also had moments where I felt like giving up because of certain expectations I've had on myself. However, looking at his art process from an outsider's perspective made me realize one shouldn't be so hard on themselves when it comes to their work. Despite him not liking the way his art came out, what I saw was someone going to far lengths to achieve something, and I found that alone to be inspiring. 
Ian Ruhter Video Analysis

Ian Ruhter Video Analysis


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