Al Bara' Odeh 的個人檔案

Commercial Reels for a Cafe line (Qahwa BLK)

13 recent reel ads for Qahwa Blk
1. The story behind the Gas cylinders
A narrated (I am also a voice over artist ;) ) cinematic video answering the mystery of the interior design of the sports city branch of Qahwa BLK: the hanging gas cylinders. Shooting the video in a cinematic, funny and an unusual way and answering a frequently asked question, this ad is one to remember.
Currently at 720k views! (Organic reach)
2. Biscotti vs brownie animated video
The Biscotti is a new dessert added to Qahwa Blk's menu. In this video the brownie cup (a customers' favorite) challenged the brownie that the customer wouldn't choose the biscotti, and he ends up doing so. With a funny twist explaining to the customers that they should dip it in latte first, making this combo a new guilty pleasure for a lot of customers.
3. Cinematic Espresso shot
A cinematic slow-motion detail shot of an espresso machine. Perfectly blending with the music, the espresso shot look like magic, and looking like a nuclear explosion trembling by the end of the video. The video shows how this shot can be captured, which makes the video sharable as it is a tutorial and shows the fantastic result that can be achieved too.
4.Types of customers in winter
A commercial showing the two types of cafe customers in winter, and how they feel towards each other. This type of video is highly relatable, funny, sharable and with the way I planned, directed, shot and edited, became very enjoyable.
Currently at 710k views! (Organic reach)
5. Trust me, it's tough!
This one is a bit violent, but that's the point, exaggerating to a point that's not even realistic, but for the comic fun of it. Shot cinematically, colorful and takes you into the world of this story! ended with a beautiful topping, a voice over by me :)
6. OBVIOUSLY censoring a negative review of an a customer (actor)
EVERYBODY took this video with a grain of salt and got the joke :) celebrities and hundreds participated in the comment section saying that they were the (door, camera, earring, her friend, etc) and they approve that this is exactly what she said :)
Currently at 1.3M+ views , 40K Likes! (Organic reach)
7. The Chocolala Monster 
Qahwa black had introduced a new desert option, the chocolala. In this video, one of the baristas ate the last chocolala left in that branch, and a detective attempts to find out who is the "chocolala monster". This video advertises for how tasty the chocolala is, and makes the viewers interact with the video, enjoy watching an actual mystery instead of a direct ad, and also getting attached to the brand for entertainment.
8. Spin the wheel to win !
Qahwa Blk had participated in a coffee festival, and they had a spin to win chance with every purchase, so I went there and shot the coolest video you could get and improvised with the circumstance (tons of customers were in queue and shot this mid festival, at night, not knowing what things looked like)
9. Reviving the hot chocolate
Since winter season is back, the hot chocolate is back on the menu, and that's the irony in performing a surgery to revive the hot chocolate drink as this video advertises :)
10. You can now buy the Sauces !
Qahwa Blk is finally selling their secret sauces, so here's a video advertising for the sauces and how customers can use them, with a funny twist in the end.
11. Thermo show-off
A video showing off the types of thermos flasks that Qahwa Blk sells in a quick, flashy and unique manner.
12. Thermo show-off 2
A video showing off the new type of thermos flasks that Qahwa Blk sells in a quick, flashy and unique manner.
13. Baristas' favorite thing in Qahwa Blk
A video that builds a connection between customers and the baristas. Getting into the minds of the baristas, asking them about their favorite thing in the cafe which also advertises great qualities of Qahwa Blk's atmosphere in general, Adding to the story of the brand.
Currently at 500k views!
14. Barista's nighttime Closing routine
Quickly catching the viewer's attention with a funny animation.
15. Redbull SoapBox X Qahwa Blk
16. Hardest decision of your life
Ask a stranger type of video, just a humorous video, watch it :)
17. Barista's morning routine
This type of videos build a connection with customers, carrying them along with the baristas' daily routine, making them want to be part of that routine, and feeling like they are part of the shop's atmosphere.
Commercial Reels for a Cafe line (Qahwa BLK)


Commercial Reels for a Cafe line (Qahwa BLK)
