Desert Dawn

Sculpted Painting by Visual Artist Grey Cross


This is the first in a series of miniature sculpted paintings. The first represents the painted desert of northern Arizona as the morning sun rises. 

Materials Used

This piece is 24" x 14" with a 3" deep canvas frame. The buttes and mesas are made of clay. The desert is made from metallic wax carefully laid and heated to create the mosaic colors of the painted landscape. The buttes and mesas were painted using metallic acrylics. There is a layer of sand embedded from lower left to upper right beneath the wax to add texture and a fine layer of red sandstone added above the wax to create the impression of red sand dunes.


Always with a fascination for landmasses coupled with an adoration of the lost prehistoric  Indian cultures of Arizona, this piece was created in dedication to those people who disappeared from the world so long ago.
This piece has sold, but the artist will take commisions for similiar custom designs.
Desert Dawn

Desert Dawn

Desert Dawn Sculpted Painting by Visual Artist Grey Cross Meaning This is the first in a series of miniature sculpted paintings. The first rep Read More


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