Perfil de Pawel Rosolek

Brawl Talk countdown for Sands of Time

I enjoyed working on this Brawl Talk countdown for Brawl Stars for the Sands of Time update. Tara's Bazaar style/colors resonate with me for some reason. 
The scene was created with assets from the Tara's Bazaar environment and brawlers 3d models created by our team.
 I arranged the items and the lights to make a dramatic before-a-storm feeling. Simple noise modifiers helped with the swing animation.
The fog was a basic scattering node with shome noise. The practice effect was used to create the sand storm elemts. 
For the last scene I used the asset for the new lobby background. I've added some particle animations and some models to make it more interestin. 
Brawl Talk countdown for Sands of Time

Brawl Talk countdown for Sands of Time
