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모란의 향연 (Peony Feast)

부귀영화를 상징하는 모란꽃을 가득 펼쳐 놓은 잔치에 초대 받은 나비들...
꿈을 찾아 열심히 살아가는, 준비된 사람들이 그 삶 속에서 만날 기회와 행운...
그로 인해 화려하게 펼쳐질 부귀영화의 인생과 행복을 기원하는 마음이 담긴 그림

"Peony's Feast"
Butterflies are invited to a feast full of peonies that symbolize wealth and glory...Opportunities and good fortune to meet in the life of those who are ready to live hard in pursuit of their dreams. As a result, a picture with a wish for the life and happiness of the wealthy and noble film that will unfold in a splendid way.

Copyright © Seoungmi.Lee(雅美) All Rights Reserved
모란의 향연 (Peony Feast)
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모란의 향연 (Peony Feast)

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