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An Overview of Tongue Ulcer Treatment – 2024

An Overview of Tongue Ulcer Treatment – 2024
Tongue ulcers, commonly known as canker sores, are a painful and irritating condition. We'll go over tongue ulcers, including symptoms, causes, and prevention. We'll also go over numerous treatment choices, from home cures to medical procedures, so you may get relief and feel your best. 

Tongue Ulcer

A tongue ulcer, also known as a canker sore or an aphthous ulcer, is a painful, open sore that develops on the tongue or gums. It is typically shallow and surrounded by a crimson border, making eating, drinking, and communicating difficult.

Tongue ulcers are often benign and disappear on their own within a week or two, but they can cause discomfort and irritation while present. 

Symptoms of tongue ulcer

Pain or discomfort.
A red or white sore on your tongue.
Swelling or inflammation around the sore.
Difficulty eating or speaking.
A tingling or scorching sensation.

Causes of Tongue Ulcer 

biting the tongue or brushing too forcefully.
Foods- spicy, acidic, or abrasive texture might cause irritation.
Hormonal abnormalities
lack of sleep and stress.
Allergic- foods or oral care products.
Wearing braces or retainers. 
Herpes simplex virus
autoimmune diseases and nutritional deficiencies.
Medical conditions cause tongue ulcers
Autoimmune illnesses 
Inflammatory bowel illnesses
Celiac Disease.
Erythema multiforme.
Reiter’s syndrome.
Vitamin B12 insufficiency.

Treatments for tongue ulcers

Medical therapies for tongue ulcers

Topical corticosteroids: Prescription ointments or gels that reduce inflammation and promote healing.
Topical Anesthetics: Numbing drugs can be purchased over the counter or on prescription to reduce discomfort.
Oral corticosteroids: In extreme cases, oral medications may be used to treat widespread or chronic ulcers.
Antimicrobial mouthwash: Prescription rinses containing chlorhexidine to prevent infection and more 

Home remedies for tongue ulcer

Saltwater Rinse
Coconut Oil
Aloe Vera Gel

Prevent tongue ulcers

Maintain proper dental hygiene
Avoid trigger foods
Manage stress
Consider using dietary supplements

When to contact a doctor?

Consult a doctor if you have chronic or worsening tongue ulcers, especially if you have troubling symptoms like fever, difficulty swallowing, or rapid weight loss. 


Tongue ulcers can be treated using a variety of methods, including saltwater rinses and topical therapies. Remember to maintain good dental hygiene, avoid irritants, and seek medical assistance if ulcers persist or are accompanied by concerning symptoms. Individuals can take proactive steps to decrease discomfort and speed up the healing of tongue ulcers by knowing about the many treatment options available. 

For additional details, read the complete blog here at Dr Amarnathan’s Dental Care
An Overview of Tongue Ulcer Treatment – 2024
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An Overview of Tongue Ulcer Treatment – 2024

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