Samuel Akpet 的個人檔案

An Hour With A Manager

Alone in the Jungle
In the bustling corporate landscape, managers often find themselves akin to solitary wanderers navigating the dense undergrowth of challenges and decisions. Like explorers in an untamed jungle, they must chart their course, confront obstacles, and navigate uncharted territories alone. The weight of responsibility rests squarely on their shoulders as they brave the wilderness of leadership, grappling with uncertainty and adversity. In this vast and daunting jungle of corporate demands, the solitude of the managerial role can feel isolating, yet it is in this solitude that resilience is forged, and paths to success are carved.
Finding the Oasis
Within the heart of the commercial environment lies an organization dedicated to transforming the solitary jungle of managerial responsibilities into a vibrant network of collaboration and support. By fostering connections and nurturing relationships among managers, this organization serves as a beacon of unity in the corporate wilderness. Through collaborative initiatives, networking events, and shared resources, it cultivates an environment where managers can thrive together, leveraging collective strengths to overcome challenges and achieve common goals. In this interconnected web of support, the once solitary journey of management is transformed into a collaborative adventure, where success is not measured by individual strides but by the collective strides taken together
The Mahogany Canopy
The ethos of 'An Hour with a Manager' revolves around creating a network that facilitates collaboration and connection among managers. The emphasis on enhancing communication, service, information, and productivity suggests a focus on addressing the needs of managers for efficient and effective professional interactions. To strengthen its mission, the platform has ensured that its features and services directly contribute to these goals, fostering an environment where managers find value in connecting, sharing insights, and supporting each other's professional growth.
Regular feedback loops and adaptability based on community members' experiences will be crucial in refining the brand over time to deliver the best products and services to its members.
Building AHWAM
The main design challenge was: "How can I create an identity that communicates community, growth, and trust, while embodying the core values of a network that facilitates collaboration and connection among people, yet still maintains a professional aspect consistent with corporate managerial philosophy?"

The logomark embodies the essence of a dynamic and collaborative network of managers dedicated to constant innovation. The central motif is a round table, symbolizing unity, inclusivity, and the perpetual cycle of innovation. Surrounding the table are five distinct structures, representing individual managers, each contributing to the collaborative environment. The Five circles also signify the 'Five functions of Management' as propounded by French industrialist, management theorist and pioneer of administrative management; Henri Fayol. They include: Planning, Organizing, Commanding, Coordinating and Controlling as outlined in his 1916's work "General and Industrial Management". These principles have become fundamental to modern management practices.. The logo mark is a key part of the system, consistently applied with other visual devices such as colour, patterns, icons, etc.  
The Green Green Mahogany
AHWAM was in need of a visual system that communicated it's Growth, Community and Collaboration. Sea Green was selected and remains the primary and official colour of the brand, the new visual system embraces more colours as secondary and accents, which will be utilized in the patterns and elements that will feature in the ads and posters. 
Do It Bold
Upon testing and prototyping many possibilities for a fitting type, Montserrat Bold was selected as the primary font, it first of all shows this by appearing as the logo type with a tweaked kerning and the header of choice across all writeups, Jost Bold is to be used in cases when the primary font is not applicable, other weights of the primary font can be used as subtexts but with enough contrast of at least one skipped weight, and Galano Classic Medium sits as the footer.
The Brand Guide
Initially, the project focused on establishing a set of standards to ensure consistent brand expressions across various mediums such as ads. Throughout the project, different versions were created and updated through prototyping and application to different purposes. In the end, a comprehensive brand guide was developed that encompasses the results of the entire process. This guide includes various elements such as the brand's key statements, signature, colour scheme, typography, visual style, elements and best practices for their use.
The Brand Application
After the brand was developed, the guide was then used to;
-Revolutionize the visual presence of the community by designing captivating flyers for virtual events and optimizing graphics for various social media platforms.
-Craft visually appealing and informative flyers that elevated the community's virtual event promotions.
-Ensure brand consistency and eye-catching visuals across social media channels.
-Contribute to increased engagement and brand recognition through impactful graphic design.
An Hour With A Manager


An Hour With A Manager
