Muhammed Rashid 的个人资料

Floral Dunes- Immersing Into Reality

Immersing Into Reality
The Entry for the competition "House of the Future" by Buildner
I Architecture I Competition I Individual Work I 2023 I
Floral Dunes: Immersing into Reality- blossoms as a visionary sanctuary, designed for Next-gen Emirati citizens in Dubai, gracefully harmonizing the enchantment of virtual immersion with our innate bond to the tangible world. Our concept emerges as a guiding light in an age where unwavering digital immersion jeopardizes authentic human experiences and the well-being of generations to come. It champions a serene equilibrium, amplifying our reverence for both realms.
As humanity journeys into an augmented age, the very essence of our existence undergoes a profound metamorphosis. Augmented humanity presents limitless opportunities and the peril of drifting from our core being. The urgency for grounding and a ‘digital detox’ becomes ever more crucial for the well-being of generations yet to unfold. “Floral Dunes” embodies a design ethos that answers this call, acknowledging that, amid the strides of technology, a return to our fundamental human nature remains imperative.
We find our inspiration in the rich cultural tapestry of Dubai, where the timeless elements of sea, sand, sun, and palm trees converge. This fusion embodies the seamless marriage of state-of-the-art technology and the wisdom passed down through the ages. It weaves a breathtaking narrative where the past and future generations unite, creating architectural magnificence.
In these spaces, the grandeur of the desert and the serenity of the sea come together to forge a lush sanctuary that roots the human spirit firmly in place, offering an enchanting stage for the inspiration of generations yet to come.
Guided by our consciousness of society’s growing dependence on immersive technologies, “Floral Dunes” celebrates the wonders of nature. As the virtual and the physical elegantly coexist, we curate spaces that captivate the senses, nurturing a profound connection with the world around us. The gentle embrace of natural light, the whisper of foliage, and the touch of authentic materials converge to craft an immersive experience firmly rooted in the tangible.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and comments. Thank you.​​​​​​​
Floral Dunes- Immersing Into Reality


Floral Dunes- Immersing Into Reality
