Henkilön Swapnali Patil profiili

6 words story, visualized with type/ packaging design

Visualizing 6 word stories in different mediums
Story: Patterns, tea leaves: two worlds, twins. 
constraint: only type is used
Palak, a skilled herbalist, inherited her talent from her grandmother. Setiants from all over the galaxy sought her guidance, seeking clarity and insight through the delicate dance of leaves in their teacups. Lihazz, an orphan from Star034, grew up teaching himself the art of reading tea leaves and dreaming about mystical realms.
One fateful afternoon, Palak and Lihaaz enjoyed a cup of tea at the exact same time leading to them seeing the existence of the other and left on a quest to find one another. Trusting the leaves every step of the way, their visions started to intertwine. The two stumbled into each other on Earth. Overjoyed and determined to spread the ability to shape one's destiny with the world and help more beings find their soulmates, they decided to combine their talents and create a brand that would bridge the gap between the physical and the metaphysical.
They embarked on a magical journey, carefully sourcing the finest tea leaves and crafting unique blends infused with intention and purpose. They named their tea brand 'Tea Leaves Two Worlds Twins' to symbolize the nature of their venture. They created a medium for understanding the twin worlds of the seen and the unseen.
Packaging design 
Series of Instagram posts that introduce the brand. 
Product description: 
A box of 2 kinds of psychic tea leaves. A guide is included in the box to help read the tea leaves.
Logo development sheet
Accordion mockup, Actual contents mentioned below
Accordion : 
Tea reading guide inside the box
(although the only text used here is the 
6 word story, the actual accordion would 
contain the real guide mentioned below)

Tea reading Guide:
Step 1: Gather Your Supplies
In your magic tea leaves kit, you'll find:
1. A sachet of enchanted tea leaves
2. Hot water 99.9 stardust degrees
3. A comfortable spot to sit

Step 2: Infuse the Enchanted Tea
Place the enchanted tea leaves from your sachet into the celestial teacup, and then pour the steaming water over them. Take a moment to focus on your question or intention, as the leaves will absorb your energy.

Step 3: Sip and enjoy!

Step 4: Leave Behind a Sip
When there's only a sip of tea left, allow it to cool for a moment. Then, take the last sip while focusing on your question or intention. This will align your energy with the tea leaves, preparing you for the divination process.

Step 5: Read and interpret the symbols
Gaze into your teacup and let imagination run wild!
Instagram launch posts in order
6 words story, visualized with type/ packaging design


6 words story, visualized with type/ packaging design
