Designed and developed a parallax scrolling website for New England Patriots team fans. The website not only draws from interactive design concepts, but also uses typography and graphic design skills to provoke the dynamic and fun intent of the website.
This fan site contains all inforamtion about the team including the news, photos, videos, schedules and blogs. By signing in to the account, fans can contribute content of the website - writing blog posts, commenting and sharing their views, posting media and creating their own list of MVP (Most Valuable Players). 
My responsibilities were creating wireframes, graphics and coding (HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery).
Developed the layout of this one page scrolling site in order to arrange all the important information to view at a glance. Users can then interact with different elements such as slideshows, dropdown windows and pop overs to read more information.
Here are some screenshots of the Patriots Kingdom website. The rich graphics in the backgorund of each section are used to create a dynamic and playful experience. 
Patriots Kingdom

Patriots Kingdom

Designed and developed a parallax scrolling website for New England Patriots team fans. The website not only draws from interactive design concep Read More
