Advertising Design: Project 02

Advertising Strategy
this is the group project consist of 5 team members which are Fais, Wafa, Safikah, Azlin and me myself. In this project we were required to create above the line and below the line for the chosen place branding. as for our group we need to do the the advertising for VH Green Nature Park.
Below the line strategy
Designed by: Fais Firdaus
Source of mockup: user15285612 on Freepik
Designed by: Azlin
source of mockup: Freepik
Collectible Card
designed by: Wafa Adlina
Social Media Posts
designed by: Ikah
Above the line strategy
Radio Advertisement

Radio Ads (long version)
Radio Ads (short version)
recorded by: Aqil
Proposed USP/ Advertising message
Advertising Design: Project 02