
Depression can trap people in a destructive cycle. While the solution seems clear – seek support and build healthy habits – many struggle to take the first step.

Seeking help and committing to self-care are essential for confronting depression. However, feelings of hopelessness, overwhelm, and lack of support can feel insurmountable.

People with depression often need more than just the knowledge of what to do. They need a caring community and a system that guides them forward.  Things like maintaining a sleep schedule or consistent hydration may seem impossible without external support.

Meraki provides that crucial support. Our platform offers community, guided steps, and personal tools to break the cycle of depression. We understand that healing isn't just about knowing what to do – it's about having the support to actually do it.

With Meraki, users gently integrate healthy habits like journaling, meditation, and outdoor time. Small, supportive communities reduce isolation. Personalized scheduling and reminders ensure self-care becomes a priority.
Meraki helps people take back their lives from depression. By addressing the unique challenges of support and habit-building, we pave the way for lasting mental well-being.
Meraki's Logo
My goal for the Meraki logo was to instantly connect with our mission – supporting people on their mental health journeys. To do that, I used visual symbols that reflect our core values: compassion, structure, hope, support, and mindfulness.

After researching other mental health brands, I landed on a design that merges a beehive and a bubble vase. Beehives represent growth and support within a structured community. The vase symbolizes a space for nurturing potential.

I deliberately chose a northwest orientation for the logo. This reflects a partnership approach to healing. Meraki guides users, but this orientation reminds them of their own power to move forward. The northwest is associated with progress and finding your light – a message of empowerment.
To create a sense of calm and trust, I chose blue as Meraki's core color (#2176FF and #9DC3FF). These blues evoke the open sky, offering peace and the potential for growth.

For warmth and positive energy, I included vibrant orange tones (#F79824 and #FDCA40). This represents a nurturing community where users find support and optimism for their journey.

A soft, off-white background (#FAF6FF) creates a gentle, welcoming space. Deep black (#090809) grounds the palette. It's used for text and key elements, ensuring readability and a touch of sophistication.
Meraki's Typography
Typography is a powerful tool in Meraki. It helps users feel calm and focused as they navigate the app. I chose typefaces that support this goal and fit Meraki's overall look.

Clear headings and font sizes create order within the interface. ​​​​​​​This guides the eye and lets users find what they need quickly. Generous spacing around text also reduces strain.

I chose Bergavick for its friendly warmth and clear readability. Its serifs add a traditional touch, building trust for users seeking mental health support. Bergavick also has a slight diagonal angle, which adds subtle personality.

For body text, I went with JUST Sans, a minimalist sans-serif font. It's incredibly easy to read,  which is crucial for an app focused on mental health. This clean look reinforces Meraki's focus on distraction-free self-care.
Pairing the Fonts
Bergavick and JUST Sans work beautifully together.  Bergavick's warmth adds personality, while JUST Sans keeps everything clear and modern. Careful attention to font size, weight, and spacing is key to maintaining a calm and intuitive feel throughout the app.
Meraki's Product Line
I designed Meraki's visual identity to be inviting and personal.  This includes the mobile app, website, e-commerce shop, and even branded items like mugs, totes, and journals.

The online spaces use a forest-inspired color palette to create a sense of warmth and belonging. Everything is designed for easy navigation, so users feel comfortable and supported.

The highlight is our VESSEL product line (notebooks, tote bags, and mugs). Inspired by the Meraki logo, these feature two flowers in vases rendered in calming forest green. This design reinforces a sense of "home" and deepens the user's connection with the Meraki brand.
Meraki's Mobile App

Mental health apps can be overwhelming. That's why I designed Meraki's app with a focus on simplicity and calm. User-centered design methods (like heuristic evaluation, gamification, and A/B testing) guided every decision to ensure a welcoming experience.

The app uses a deep blue palette to create a peaceful atmosphere. The interface is minimalist to help users focus on mood tracking and meditations.

Meraki also features a safe, moderated community space. Users get the support they need by sharing experiences and building connections.

The mood tracker is both intuitive and visually appealing. Users can quickly log their feelings using expressive illustrations. An optional journaling feature encourages deeper reflection. Data visualizations will help users spot emotional patterns.

This is just the beginning! User testing will be crucial to refining the Meraki app so it provides the best possible support.
Meraki's E-commerce

Meraki's e-commerce homepage offers a calming introduction to our mission. A minimal header and simple navigation bar keep the focus on the products themselves. Our curated collection of seven items, designed to support mental wellbeing, is showcased in a visually appealing grid.

To ensure user confidence, we include a prominent FAQ section. Here, we address common concerns like shipping times, order issues, and where items ship from. This approach reduces friction and demonstrates our commitment to customer support.

The footer reinforces our core message: "Overcome Depression with Meraki." This powerful CTA seamlessly directs users to the app download page, connecting the e-commerce experience with our core mental health tools.
Our catalog showcases 5 unique, handmade designs. These designs are thoughtfully integrated across 7 products, each carefully selected with an emphasis on supporting mental wellbeing. 

This curated collection offers a range of ways to incorporate moments of self-care and positive reinforcement into your daily life.
I hope you enjoyed my work! If you did, make sure to give me a follow and show some love! 😊

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