"Within the bounds of this canvas, I've sought to capture the essence of transformation — a dance of light, energy, and the raw textures that speak to the soul's undercurrents. The hues of yellow, ranging from the rich depth of ochre to the brilliant kiss of sunlight, are not just colours but the embodiment of vitality and the warmth of existence.
In stark contrast, the whites surge across the canvas. Through a symphony of techniques — perhaps a flick of the wrist that sends paint splattering or a deliberate subtraction of colour from the canvas — I've endeavoured to create a tactile sensation that mirrors the natural world. Think of the relentless cascade of a waterfall or the tumultuous gathering of storm clouds, each white streak a testament to nature's untamed spirit.
The deep blues anchor the composition, a quiet nod to the tranquillity that balances the fervour. This is the cool depth of twilight, or the still point in a turning world, placed thoughtfully to ground the viewer amidst the chaos of the surrounding colours.
My approach to texture is deliberate; it is the language through which the painting speaks. The layering, the glazing, the thick impasto — all are intentional choices that lend a voice to each stroke. It is in these ridges and valleys that the painting's pulse can be felt.
In a square format of 60cm x 60cm, the scale of the work is a personal conversation with the viewer. It is intimate, a portal to a realm where the visceral and the ethereal coalesce.
The materials I've chosen, a confluence of traditional and unexpected, coexist to challenge the boundaries of medium. It is in this alchemy that the painting finds its truth.
This piece is not merely an artistic endeavour; it is an invitation to wander through a landscape of emotions and thoughts, a place where the viewer's own experiences and interpretations are as integral to the art as the paint upon the canvas. Here, the abstract is made tangible, and the ineffable is given form."
McRostie at https://mcrostie.art




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