Profil appartenant à Cris Miranda

Krispy Kreme Vegan

Krispy Kreme Vegan Doughnuts (2023)
The creative direction was to create a vibrant yet simple look, focusing on the flavour profilees of the doughnuts to really drive crave-ability, and appeal to a wider audience. The green colour hues were used to exude a natural look and provide freshness cues which are synonymous with Vegan food and packaging trends. The ‘Vegan-Friendly’ stamp was designed to accompany the logo across creative deliverables.
Campaign Highlights: 
- Uplift in doughnut sales mix across owned and delivery channels
- Positive social sentiment and increased engagement across social media
- Tapped into a wider audience ‘Vegans’
Project Requirements: 
Creative Strategy, Art Direction, Packaging Design, Print, Digital and Web, Social Media Content, PR Content, Animation, Food Styling, Photography Directing
Photographer: Safat Hassan
Photographer: Trung Pham
Krispy Kreme Vegan
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Krispy Kreme Vegan

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