Visit Behance: Go to the Behance website (
Search for Keywords: In the search bar, enter keywords related to the shakes mobile app you're interested in.
Explore Results: Browse through the search results to find projects related to shakes or beverage mobile apps. Click on the projects to view more details.
Filter by Categories: Use the filters on the left side of the page to narrow down your search, such as by choosing "Mobile" under the "Tools Used" section.
Remember that Behance showcases visual portfolios, so you are likely to find images, designs, and descriptions of the mobile app projects rather than the actual app. If you're looking for the app itself or more detailed information, you might need to reach out to the creators directly or check if they provide links to external websites or app stores in their Behance project descriptions. Additionally, since Behance content is user-generated, it's advisable to verify the information on the respective app stores or official websites.


