Profil appartenant à Mukund Choudhary

Meditation-The Cure (Book Cover)

M E D I T A T I O N - T H E  C U R E
The state of meditation is the state of Cure.
The book is the result of seven years of guiding thousands of people with chronic conditions to arrive at the State of Meditation and reverse their suffering.​​​​​​​
Design Concept:

Minimalist Serenity:
The cover design embraces simplicity and calmness, reflecting the peaceful nature of meditation.
A clean, uncluttered layout with ample white space, evoke a sense of tranquility.

Color Palette:
Soft, soothing colors which dominate the cover. Considered shades like pale blue, lavender, or sage green. These colors symbolize relaxation, healing, and spiritual growth.

Central Element:
At the heart of the cover, featured an abstract representation of meditation. This could be a stylized lotus flower, a serene silhouette, or a mandala. The central element convey the idea of going inward, finding solace, and seeking balance.

The title, “Meditation: The Cure,” is in Montserrat which is a geometric sans-serif typeface designed by Argentine graphic designer Julieta Ulanovsky. It has been used inspired by posters, signs and painted windows from the first half of the twentieth century.

Subtle Details:
Incorporated subtle textures or patterns in the background. Perhaps a gentle gradient or a hint of natural elements (like whirlpool). These details add depth without overwhelming the design.
Author's Note:
This book is a testimony to two questions that the universe planted in me during my teens, though in a rather brutal way. One of them has been decoded, for you to take it further.
The second question- ‘Who am I?’ remains. Therefore, any words in which I describe myself would perhaps be deceptive. I am WIP (work in progress).
Post writing the book, this question, through more than 4 years, has only grown larger, wider and deeper, revealing more mysteries of the universe. For me, ‘Who am I?’ is to find the mysteries of the universe for humanity, for which I remain deeply intimate with each breath of mine.
Having decoded how to breathe, the universe guided me to decode the mysteries of sleep. In the last one year of my research, and this time with my core team being an integral part of it, I have been drawn through the deepest layers of mysteries and wonderment to realize how much nature is pregnant, in each moment, to reveal itself to us. I hope to soon share this with you so that you can wake up each morning and say, it was a good night.
Nothing is ordinary to me, nothing is without a reason for me and that defines how I look at every breath of mine and yours through the lenses of thoughts, insights, emotions and occurrence of events. I only see a design in everything. I do not believe it is to remain hidden. Sometimes I get it, and sometimes I remain lost in it.
I believe humanity shall be more curious about their experiences rather than looking for an inspiration in others. Therefore, it is the work that shall be experienced first before knowing the people behind them. To know about me, observe your breath. As your spirit expands, you will find me connected to you. We all are connected to each other through the breath.

Naveen Varshneya
(Founder - Curedemy)
Meditation-The Cure (Book Cover)
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Meditation-The Cure (Book Cover)

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