The Challenge 
Our office wanted to create a consistent set of branded icons for our campus community. 

The Result 
We created a library of icons that showcased our Universities uniqueness (i.e. the Tennessee mountains, Torchbearer, Tennessee pennant, etc) and also allowed for some more generic icons that were custom to us. ​​​​​​​
This past year, our icon guidelines team started working on collecting all of our existing icons being used, as well as creating a comprehensive document with best practices and other measures, while I started creating a look and feel for our icons. 

We initially had a list of about 80 icons, but later, narrowed our icon list down to 36 icons to start. We figured we could always grow from 36 rather than having too many icons in the beginning that didn't make much sense for our people. 
Below was our rather robust and convoluted icon usage here at the University of Tennessee. I'm sure of which there were probably more that were lurking in the print world that we couldn't locate. Needless to say, being able to condense this list was important.
From here I plan on showing my process in how I went about creating our icons. I usually start in the same way I do most projects:

Pinterest Mood Board
I created two for this project. One that was just straight inspiration. And the other was University specific. I also added qr codes if you want to look at them. 

Initial Sketches and Design
I created a couple initial designs that we felt were not hitting right but eventually we started dialing it all in. 

Once we dialed in everything, I started creating our icons based on our list and from there we were able to further create guidelines based on the grid we used as well as the line thickness. 
University of Tennessee Icon Set
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University of Tennessee Icon Set

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