This was a book illustration project in which we had to choose our topic. I chose to write and illustrate a book that deals with the topic of Autism. I had to talk to some experts and do some reading before I could finally outline what I wanted the book to cover. I wanted to show some common behaviours of autistic children and their reasons for doing so (which may not be very obvious to non autistic people) and show the world from their point of view.
I divided the whole content in 2 parts- the first part shows the autistic kid from the point of view of others, like his parents; the second part from the child himself, if he was articulate enough to explain himself. Below are some of the spreads of the book.
Book on Autism

Book on Autism

These are some of the pages of my book about Autism. I've tried to show how autistic people see the world. It's written and illustrated by me
