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Par Performing Art Magazine Dec. Issue|Par 表演藝術雜誌 12月特刊

Par Performing Art Magazine Dec. Issue
Par 表演藝術雜誌 12月特刊

Client|兩廳院 Par 表演藝術雜誌
Graphic Design|ONE.1O Society—Desiree Niu 牛子齊

Photo|Jun Yue 君岳 

The December special issue of PAR Performing Arts Magazine is published by . This issue documents the review of the top ten performing arts events in 2022, leading the audience to review the charm of performing arts during the epidemic.

ONE.1O Society is a multi-discipline, independent, Taipei-based design production studio, founded in 2020 by Desiree Niu and Spike Chien. Focusing on visual movements and printed matter, and articulating their visual language by combining art and design.
ONE.1O Society 是一間結合動態與靜態視覺語言的設計製作工作室。2020年成立於台北,成員包含平面設計師及動畫導演,擅長動態繪製、靜態質地,統籌各方視覺語彙呈現獨特作品。
FB→ ONE.1O Society
IG→ onetoten_society

Par Performing Art Magazine Dec. Issue|Par 表演藝術雜誌 12月特刊


Par Performing Art Magazine Dec. Issue|Par 表演藝術雜誌 12月特刊

