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Muzi Wild's 2022 God Jól Greeting Card Design

 Muzi Wild's 2022 God Jól Greeting Card Design
木子荒 2022 耶魯節賀卡

Jól Festival is an important celebration to Old Norse Belief Root. As a brand that driven by Old Norse Belief Culture, Occult and Animistic practice, we discovering and sharing our path of spirituality and lifestyle through celebrating and understanding festivals and rituals, greeting card is a great way to connect our community and share our blessing through each others.  Jól Festival usualy celebrated on the first full moon since winter solstice. We believed that Jól is the energy from the sun is taken over the world again and all beings are getting awakened. So we illustrated a boy with symbolism joy side of god of sun and raven and snake as good insights and good omen.
作為一個專注探究與實踐古北歐文化信仰, 神祕學和泛靈主義的品牌, 我們也透過慶祝古老的節日和儀式來探索和分享我們在靈性的道路上的體驗。設計賀卡也能更好的連結我們品牌的社群和互相表達祝福。在設計上我們用太陽頭套的小男孩象徵著歡樂和生命力面向的太陽神, 並在加入了渡鴉象徵好的視野和象徵大地孕育能量的蛇。
Muzi Wild's 2022 God Jól Greeting Card Design


Muzi Wild's 2022 God Jól Greeting Card Design
