Profil von Miguel Marulanda

The Pixie Toad (WIPs + Final)

When it comes to designing characters, one comes to mind being that I like taking the route of doing something that's much more stylized and cartoony looking than one that typically is more realistic looking, as this is something I'm much more experienced in, given my background in doing a lot of illustration work that is more or less drawing more cartoonish characters or caricatured pieces as a whole and with this model for the game, Pixie Dust? The model itself isn't the best representation of the design but it was a fun time to work on him through and through... The biggest inspiration was to make an animal that was inspired by an actor from back in the day and considering this was around November when I was watching the movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles, I wanted to make a design that was a goofy looking mix between a frog and John Candy, it was a fun excuse to put my skills in that regard to the test, even if in hindsight, it could be seen as poor taste but I feel the guy is probably having a good laugh in the afterlife towards this but I digress... 
Good afternoon or evening or whatever time you're reading this, if you've received this catering letter, congratulations, you are now the latest in finding and collecting me and the rest of my family bloodline as those stupid pixies have kidnapped and left us scattered all over these forests, it's pretty inconvenient when you're trying to enjoy your time around before freaks start doing all this out of the blue, can't imagine you understanding what we've went through but I'm not gonna hold it out against you. One thing about us is simple, we tend to make ourselves look as out of place as possible, how else will we be found in these places? Either from me with my fashionable wig and tie or even my uncles with a bow tie and goofy looking glasses or Cousin Joey with his obsession for Groucho Marx, oh wait I shouldn't be telling you these, the gods of time would be livid... I probably shouldn't have said that either, forget I say, all I ask in return is that you help find the rest of us is all, either it be trying to survive fights against monsters or even doing some cursed chores for us to warrant our freedom, anything menial or stupid will definitely give us the last we desire and potentially join you as long as you return us home to our beautiful swamps.
BUT I do warn you, some of us will be difficult to gather, I know my great grandfather will put up a good fight if you look at him funny or worse case scenario, having to fight tooth and nail if our greatest foes like the Cyclops Bass or the One Eyed Dragon swallows us alive, and I doubt a pretty face like yours would want to have it disfigured trying to gut these creatures alive with that pathetic little sword of yours? I kid, I kid but serious don't let my relatives die, you moron. I'm sorry was that too mean, my mistake; anyway we're all counting on you and do us a favor and kick those scummy fairy freaks to the curb for us, we'll definitely even enjoy making them a quick snack if you're kind enough to and perhaps even do you something in return, but that's all I feel like writing for today, hope you make us proud kid and try not to spill the beans of our doings, we REALLY don't want to be turned into oozie confetti from the big guys on top, best of luck...
And now, we've reached the end, the Toad model itself wasn't the best looking, especially in regards to the final piece, and most especially showing the wireframes via Mudbox but beyond that, I am at least okay with how this came out even if it could've been better in the long run but hopefully this is worthy enough to get people interested just to see what could've been done in the long run originally...
The Pixie Toad (WIPs + Final)


The Pixie Toad (WIPs + Final)
