Perfil de Janneke van de loo

Animated booktrailer - Kafka on the shore

In my third semester at Sint Joost, I created a cool animation trailer inspired by the book 'Kafka on the Shore.' It was a fun project where I got to bring the story to life in a visual way.

I started sketching a few ideas that I had in my head for the animation. 
For my moving Storyboard I hired Aaron M on Fiverr to do a voice over.
After some Feedback from my teachers I decided to not use a voice over for the animation. It gave a more movie trailer vibe then a book trailer. 

I continued my progress by experimenting with color. I love using color in my projects! 
I love the surrealistic vibe the blue with pink shot gives and decided for that vibe. 

In the book you will read about cats that can talk. I first animated a yawning cat and from there on I made him talk. 
Here are some experiments :)
Trying out the motion blur effect. The fish still went too quick. 
Using the puppet tool to make the characters 'alive' by making them breathe. 
In the shot above, the character walks in the frame too quick. I didn’t give the viewer enough time to proces whats happening. In the shot under you can see the difference. 
You can watch the final animation here :)
After making the final animation I still did some experiments in After Effects due to another side project for school. I really liked trying out this style where i turn my 2D characters in a fake 3D environment. 
Shot of the workspace in After Effects.
Another side project was trying to make the fish rain in VR. I placed the fish in Unity so you can take Nakata's position through a VR Headset. This was also my first time working with the Unity program. I went to the Techlab at school and watched some tutorials on Particles. I designed the skybox in Photoshop and used a panorama to cubemap converter. It was a lot of fun to test this out. 
In the beginning it was still a bit chaotic. The fish didn’t fall out the sky as I wanted them too. With a few adjustments it worked :D
Animated booktrailer - Kafka on the shore

Animated booktrailer - Kafka on the shore


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