Perfil de Mheralyn Reambulanza

Gags on the Run, April Fools Has Begun!

Ang Suga Publication
April Fool's Design Entry
Gags on the Run, April Fools Has Begun!

Aside from the monthly waited shopping "budol" sale, April 1 has been commemorated by several cultures for millennia to play practical pranks or hoaxes on others, with many people exclaiming "April Fools!" at the climax to reveal the prank. Hence, for over a century, we have undoubtedly used the unofficial holiday to be our scapegoat for love confessions to our crushes or, perhaps, long-planned clownery to friends.

With high odds of you getting pranked today, we convey five survival guides on how to detour becoming the fool of April.

1. Believe nothing, NOT UNLESS it's your modules' deadline waving. It is the most important rule for survival.

2. Trust NO ONE! Everyone is a suspect. If something peeks suspicious, it probably is. Be wary of everything roughly. Check the salt, sugar, or even your dog's shampoo.

3. RESPECT. Some might take this day as a chance to reveal something meaningful in their life – sexuality, marriage plans, and pregnancy could be a few of them.

4. DO NOT CROSS THE LINE. April fools may be the day that validates silly antics and gags, but it invariably scrutinizes the lines or emotions you should never cross. If you're thinking of pulling a prank, always mind survival guide no. 3.

5. It's just an ORDINARY day. Trust me.

Although, today's trust issues and anxieties do outburst from time to time. Never forget to be keen with our foolish remarks and enjoy April Fool's Day with peace for the next day. It's just a snippet of life being a joke after all. §

Words by Mary Molly Tolentino
Layout by Mheralyn Reambulanza
Gags on the Run, April Fools Has Begun!
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Gags on the Run, April Fools Has Begun!

ANG SUGA PUBLICATION is the Official Publication of Cebu Normal University.

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