Perfil de Friends of Brands

Rebranding for NGO "The Free People Employment Center"


Ребрендинг ГО "ЦЗВЛ"
ГО "Центр зайнятості Вільних людей" більше 8-ми років працює в напрямку розбудови миру, розробляє програми соціальної адаптації, допомагає людям, постраждалим від війни та криз у професійній та підприємницькій реалізації. Нашою метою було іміджеве перезавантаження організації для підвищення лояльності та довіри аудиторії. 

Що ми зробили:
- Створили фірмовий стиль, брендбук та tone of voice;
- Удосконалили структуру та розробили новий дизайн для сайту, перенесли частину важливого контенту та написали код для нового дизайну на WordPress;
- Оновили відповідно до tone of voice тексти та стиль комунікації, наповнили сайт новими матеріалами;
- Виділили та наповнили текстом основні розділи сайту: “Головна”, “Про нас”, “Наші проєкти”, “Пошукачам”, “Роботодавцям”, “Експертиза”;
- Налаштували сайт у клієнта на хостингу та підключили новий домен, створили корпоративні пошти, прив’язані до сайту організації.


Rebranding NGO "The free people employment center”
NGO "The free people employment center” has been working for more than 8 years in the direction of peace building, developing social adaptation programs, helping people affected by wars and crises in professional and entrepreneurial implementation.
Our goal was to reboot the image of the organization in order to increase the loyalty and trust of the audience.

What did we do?
- created a corporate style, brand book and tone of voice;
- improved the structure and developed a new design for the site, transferred some important content and wrote the code for the new design on WordPress;
- updated the texts and communication style according to the tone of voice and filled the site with new materials;
- selected the main sections of the site and filled them with text: "Main", "About us", "Our projects", "Searchers", "Employers", "Expertise";
- set up the client's site on hosting and connected a new domain, created corporate emails and linked them to the organization's site.

At the base of the new logo, we placed a stylized origami crane, which symbolizes hope and faith in life, an arrow pointing in the direction of the sunrise, as a hint that even after the darkest night, dawn comes.

For better perception, the logo has a protective field. The space around the sign visually separates it from other elements and excludes the possibility of mixing with them. For the X module, we took the size of the logo. The boundaries of the protective field are marked with a conditional red line in the diagram.

The colors were a free interpretation of the flag's palette, but in pastels. The main color is a shade of blue, the accent color is a cold yellow.
The combination of the chosen palette with the symbol conveys the brand's mission, positioning and meaning — freedom in its various manifestations, determination, the future and finding one's way.

We developed a new site structure to improve user experience.

It will allow visitors to immediately understand the organization's mission, find the necessary information, and remain satisfied after interacting with the site. Intuitive and clear design will help increase the level of audience engagement.


The project was developed by:
Account managers → Nataliia Proshyna, Mariia Balan, Yuliia Nikolaichuk.
→ Kateryna Petrenko, Yuliia Panasiuk, Natalia Borokh.
Junior art director
→ Anna Zahumenna.
Middle graphic designer → Nataliia Polishchuk.

Rebranding for NGO "The Free People Employment Center"
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Rebranding for NGO "The Free People Employment Center"

Reboot to maximum. About the results of our cooperation with the NGO "The Free People Employment Center". NGO "The Free People Employment Center Ver mais

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