Era atemorizante. Oscuridad... Silencio... Se acercaban a la luz lentamente. Todo era borroso y confuso. Al llegar a la superficie se quedaron sin aliento por 14 segundos… quitando las manos de sobre sus rostros, abrieron los ojos y vieron un lugar desconocido.

Ehra y Leila, dos ninfas desterradas de las aguas por hacer lo prohibido: "Desear ser humanas." Al ser descubiertas ordenaron borrar sus memorias y fueron enviadas a la superficie. Con miedo, y desorientadas… No sabían hacia donde ir... Todo lo que quedaba ahora era un mundo nuevo por conocer y explorar.
It was frightening. Darkness... Dead silence... They came closer to the light... slowly.  Everything was a blur. At the surface, they were breathless for 14 seconds... moving their hands away from their faces, they opened their eyes and saw an unkown place.
Ehra and Leyla, two water nymphs banished for doing what was forbidden: "wishing to be human."  After being discovered in their trespass their memories were taken from them and they were sent to the surface.  With fear and disoriented... with no idea where to go... everything that remains now was a new world to know and explore.

Concept: Tiffany Marjorie E. Mendez
Make up: Dimaggio Makeup.
Photography: Rod Cortes Photography
Banished Nymps

Banished Nymps

This was a concept by my friend Tiffany Méndez. As a make up artist she came up with the concept and make up while I chose locations and made the Mehr anzeigen
