Profilo di Kyle Okuhara

Adventure Of Golf Ball Gary On Hole 1

(Stop-Motion Golf Video)
Using Premiere Pro, Photoshop, frame-by-frame Animation (shot with my iPhone), and sound, I created this stop-motion golf video for my Multimedia class.  I’ve included some raw photos before they were cropped and Photoshopped.  A very time-consuming process.
View of the setup at the beginning of the project.  The photo was later cropped and Photoshopped.
This scene is where the golf ball jumps onto the golf tee. To make this happen, the golf ball was attached to a stick which was later Photoshopped out.
This scene is where the golf driver hits the ball.  The golf ball was attached to the driver by some tape that was Photoshopped out.
This scene shows the golf ball flying through the air.  Used cotton balls for the clouds and plastic trees.  The golf ball was moved slightly each time after each photo was taken.  The photos were then cropped.
This scene is where the golf ball lands on the green.  To make this happen, the golf ball was attached to a stick which was later Photoshopped out.  The golf tee was also Photoshopped out.
This scene shows the golf ball sitting on the edge of the cup.  An ant comes along and pushes the golf ball into the hole.  Photos were taken (frame-by-frame) of the ant as it made its way towards the golf ball.
Adventure Of Golf Ball Gary On Hole 1

Adventure Of Golf Ball Gary On Hole 1


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