An identity for an annual fundraiser for the graphic design department in Duncan of Jordanstone, College of Art and Design. RGB is a party where 2nd years come in blank blue t-shirts, 3rd years in blank green t-shirts and 4th years in blank red t-shirts. Each attendee also carries a marker pen with them to draw on other attendee's t-shirts (and often faces too).
This year the theme for the event was Tetris. Each ticket was shaped like a tetris block and would be placed on a grid upon entry. If you completed a line, like in tetris, you won a free drink. It was one of the most successful years in the event's history, with more people attending from outside the graphic design department than any year before. 
Screenprinting by Ryan Cashin.
-   T H A N K S   F O R   T H E   V I E W !   -
RGB - Event Identity
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RGB - Event Identity

An identity for an annual fundraiser for the graphic design department in Duncan of Jordanstone, College of Art and Design. RGB is a party where Daha Fazla Bilgi

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