Damian Bennett's profile

Small Photo Gallery + Book Cover

Tabletop photos taken with mid-res consumer-grade Sony and Canon cameras. No idea what models. Shot with available light; photos as-is, no color correx or boosting.

Tip: To view photos and book cover fit to screen, click on the image. Click again to magnify.
(↓) Cover design for Lessness<, a second book of (shorter) short stories.
SNIP: Enough! No more! Charlotte had reached her limit and her limit was seven. With a wounded look the patissier returns the tray of canelés to the dessert perambulator. The canelés were done to perfection – crisp buttery beeswax shell, eggy custard center – and Charlotte lightly raked her top lip as she watched the perambulator arrive at a far table, which immediately lit up with delight. But seven was seven and she could not possibly eat eight – though a canelé de Bordeaux is really not very big. No, not one more. (Charlotte Wisconsin)
Red text indicates a link.

More book cover designs here.
I am in the market for an inexpensive (<$1,500) high resolution digital camera, body and lens, for both studio and field. My research spectrum spans the Sony α7 line to the G-Anica Digital Camera. Please leave suggestions or buying advice based on experience, in comments below – or message me. Much appreciated.
Small Photo Gallery + Book Cover


Small Photo Gallery + Book Cover
