Jack Coburn sin profil

An Image a Day week 4

Day 22 - My finished digital painting. I dont mind it for my first try but I don't like the highlights I did and the eye shapes.
Day 23 - Just a little experiment I did where I digitally drew a fish with only vertical lines. I liked the way it came out so I added some trippy colours to it to make it more visually interesting.
Day 24 - This is the first frame of a 5 frame sign showing people the different types of waves you can experience out in the surf. This is to help people minimise risk when they're a beginner and don't understand wave formations properly.
I used ticks instead of words to show whether the wave was appropriate to take off on with some small dot points describing its features.
Day 25 - This is the 2nd frame showing a mellow wave face. It's more steep in the scan for some reason but when you see them as one sign it actually looks more mellow.
Day 26 - Again it looks similar to the mellow face however when side by side you see the difference. I like the raw cartoony drawings I have done for this sign and I feel like the represent a wave but I'd have to ask non surfers.
Day 27 - This image has a X rather than a tick as it is inappropriate to take off on this kind of wave. Again I have tried to use symbols as much as possible over words.
Day 28 - This is the final image and the one I think looks the coolest. To be fair though this is a barrel so it's always gunna look cooler that the other types of waves.
Day 24-28 - This is the final product. It's not perfect, but as a 1st draft I recon it looks alright.
An Image a Day week 4

An Image a Day week 4

an image a day week 4
