Perfil de Nestor Lykholai

Dark Fairy Tale -Steampunk Concept Art Illustration


This project consists of a series of illustrations created for a concept art class that focuses on the importance of visuals as a vessel for communicating a story.

Main objectives were to create a stylistically unified narrative via 4 separate illustrations with distinct environments.

My goal was to portray early steampunk as i envision it. A world where technology advanced more rapidly than people could adapt to it. Steampunk had to be tailored to old mansions and wooden ships rather than the other way around, creating a unique blend of tradition and innovation.

The biggest challenge was to develop a well-defined style of illustrations, while adhering to the limitations of both the steampunk aesthetic and the typical drawings found in fairy tales.

People have always yearned to reach the sky, and this world is no different. However, with the trials of conquering the sky came the rise of sky pirates. Their technological advancements have allowed them to become a much more influential force than their seafaring counterparts.

Sky pirates do all sorts of work for the wealthy, not shying away from their coin. One of their primary sources of income is capturing albatrosses - magical beings capable of shapeshift into birds - and selling them to the highest bidder.

The story follows a sky pirate and an albatross caught between their love and a world that stands opposed to it.




Dark Fairy Tale -Steampunk Concept Art Illustration
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Dark Fairy Tale -Steampunk Concept Art Illustration

This project consists of a series of illustrations created for a concept art class that focuses on the importance of visuals as a vessel for comm Ver mais

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