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Happy Lunar New Year 2024 - An isometric exercise

This is an isometric perspective exercise in an illustration course I took. The exercise's topic is decoration of a room for Lunar New Year. The following images are my progress on the project.
My idea is a room decoration for Tet with traditional elements of the past as the window frame, the Ochna flower vase, firecrackers (only decorating), New year red couplets,....
I wanted my artwork to have gentle and retro vibe, so I choose medium value and no high contrast for the painting
Color - Option 1: vibrant, traditional color
For this option, I used red and yellow as traditional colors that usually appear in decoration of Tet holiday in Vietnam.
Color - Option 2: gentle, modern color
For the option, I wanted it to have modern vibe, but gentle atmosphere. Thus, I choose green and pink as main color
2 mood color: vibrant, traditional vs. gentle, modern
Progression from find idea/references to the final artwork
Happy Lunar New Year 2024 (The Dragon Year)
When I was a children, my parents always took me out to watch fireworks on New Year's Eve every year. Then, I grew up, started working, got married and had children, so I couldn't stay awake to watch fireworks anymore. My idea for this artwork is a peaceful time in my house when my family had gone to bed, while everyone was excited to celebrate New Year's Eve outside.
I used assets from my exercise to complete this artwork for a minigame I joined before Tet holiday and I got The most favorite award.
Happy Lunar New Year 2024 - An isometric exercise

Happy Lunar New Year 2024 - An isometric exercise



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