Perfil de Dominic Bertolini

Life Of Coral: How they live and how they affect YOU

How they live and how they affect YOU

This is an informational booklet covering Coral Reefs done for Graphic Design II at Kent State University. 

This was one of my favorite projects I've done while at school. The ocean is a huge point of interest for me personally and it was fun choosing one aspect of the ocean that particularly fascinates me. Coral reefs in particular are special because they're this massive collection of different organisms that form to make an environment thats unlike anything out of this world and how much climate change impacts them but I feel like most people don't understand that aspect of coral reefs. 

The use of the Penguin Books logo and any other mentions of companies were used for placeholders and do not represent any work done for them.

Cover of the booklet
Life Of Coral: How they live and how they affect YOU

Life Of Coral: How they live and how they affect YOU

