I am ready to present my project to you. I designed a modern library in the style of sensitive minimalism, which is located in the city of Sochi

     My logo is presented here, each number has its own special meaning, which is why this project was named "Space 111". three units harmoniously stylized and inscribed in a circle symbolize the unification in one place of three significant aspects of life: success, development and opportunities:
     I used the following materials: concrete, plastic,metal and other materials painted in our company colors:
     I was inspired by the works of famous designers working in this field, such as Harry Nureyev, Karim Rashid. These designers attracted us with their creative thinking:
     Minusses and pluses of this space:

In the presented references, I liked the combination of accent colors and plain concrete. The library literally embodies the style of sensitive minimalism. Its design combines the use of concrete and bright contrasting colors, creating a unique atmosphere and an attractive look:

     The basic principle of "Space 111" is the creation of comfortable and functional areas for all visitors. The library is divided into 9 sectional areas, where each zone offers a unique space for various activities.

     The entire space is divided into two tiers, the first tier and the mezzanine.
On the first floor there are 11 rooms: an exhibition hall, a lecture hall, a reading room, a children's room, a bathroom, a recreation room, a coworking, conference rooms, office space, a cafe, an individual reading room.

     The second tier is the mezzanine. There are two zones on it: the main space and individual work areas.

     When developing the lighting design, I took into account the height of the space, the lack of natural lighting, I used track and ceiling lamps, lighting sources located at different heights

     I am ready to present our visualization to you.

     The first thing you do when entering the library is to see the reception desk, which, in turn, can help you navigate in the right direction.

     Then you can go to the main reading room. There you can find both paper books in the original and kewar codes for reading them in electronic form, as well as listening areas where you can listen to atmospheric stories not only alone, but also with friends. Individual reading areas are equipped with good lighting and comfortable tables, armchairs and ottomans, so staying in this area for a long time will be as comfortable as possible.

     After the book you have chosen, you can go to the coworking area and read in a quiet environment or work in the computer area.

     Then you can go to the children's area, where very young readers will definitely not be bored. Here you can find educational toys, board games and books for kids.
     After doing a good job and reading enough information, you can go to a cafe and drink a cup of fragrant freshly brewed coffee. In the cafe itself, you can find cozy sofas and tables to spend time with friends discussing a project or just enjoy solitude.
     There is a recreation area very close by where you can have discussions or play board games with a large company, but even if you come alone, there is something for you in the recreation area, for example, sketching or watching movies.

     After a short break, you can go up to the mezzanine and choose lesser-known books that may be of interest to you. Going a little further from the stairs, through the glass fence you can see the entire library, and if you are not afraid of heights, sit on a comfortable sofa and enjoy a comfortable, calm and most importantly quiet atmosphere.

     "Space 111" is a place where everyone will find something interesting for themselves. The library offers a cozy and stylish atmosphere where you can enjoy reading, socializing with friends or just spending time usefully.
space 111


space 111
