Matthew Radzinski 님의 프로필

Rent Stabilization: SJSU X City of San Jose

City of San Jose tasked us with tackling a social media campaign focusing on rent stabilization education within the city. The focus of this project was to transcreate every graphic we made, which means to translate the graphic to different languages and cultures. First we researched how rent stabilization programs can help families and individuals.
When It came to my posts I wanted to focus on "Do your Homework" as the main point of the post. Then we agreed that my post would be the quick facts and educational post. My first draft wasn't really a transcreational one and it focused more on the illustrations then facts. It also didn't look as professional as it should have.
I wanted it to a fully transcreation post so I switched out the teacher illustration and opted for a photo. I then changed the back of the post to a blackboard rather than a green chalkboard. I then changed the font of the text so that it didn't look as messy. The final post was a post that incorporated different teachers spanning from English, Spanish, Chinese (traditional), and Vietnamese.
Rent Stabilization: SJSU X City of San Jose

Rent Stabilization: SJSU X City of San Jose


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